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Recent Items Slider Shortcode

“Recent Items Slider” is a horizontal listings slider. You have several  options for this shortcode:

  • choose listings from a specific category or action category
  • choose listings from a specific city, area or county
  • random order listings
  • pick only featured listings or decide if you want to show featured listings in the beginning
  • auto scroll option (set the no of seconds for auto scroll – in this case 5 sec)
  • number of listings to show in this slider

The Slider

1 pièces
1 chambres
14,00 m2
550 € Par mois, charges comprises
3 pièces
2 chambres
68,00 m2
1.100 € Par mois, charges comprises
5 pièces
4 chambres
84,00 m2
384.000 € FAI
5 pièces
4 chambres
87,00 m2
376.000 € FAI
2 pièces
1 chambres
30,00 m2
750 € Par mois, charges comprises
1 pièces
1 chambres
18,00 m2
550 € Par mois, charges comprises

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